
Drawing from concepts of antiquity, a strong notion to return to our roots, and a foundation built upon by an appreciation of music, Antik Attire is a brand that is setting itself apart by classic design meant to be worn by the bold and the adventurous. In our modern society, art is a vehicle for moving forward and showing who you are. We ask those that are called to wear Antik Attire only one thing; do not settle in a world of recreated works of fiction and live your life to the fullest every hour. Do not settle; create a new world and do it with conviction and passion. In a world full of everyone trying to make a statement, be bold, stand with Antik Attire.

Antik Attire is a clothing brand formed in Buffalo, NY in late 2015 and launched in 2016. Early in 2016, the brand found bases in Florida and Arizona as the message of Antik Attire quickly spread. Antik Attire adheres to using only the highest quality merchandise that will last the wearer years. This brand is very passionate about music and strives to work with bands that put forward a positive world message. Soon you will see Antik Attire merchandise in music videos and on tour at an international level. This company is working with MerchNow for the best possible merchandising resources and Ladies of Metal on a promotional level